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SHR Frozen Pixie Dust

2020 Homozygous Dun Mare

SG Frozen Enterprize x Dun Smokin The Blues

SHR Frozen Pixie Dust

Meet Pixie

Height 14.2hh
Daughter of Million Dollar Sire
Full Sister of: 

  • APHA Reserve & Bronze World Champion

  • Multiple Top 5 & Top 10 World Champion

  • Multiple time Ranch event Champion

  • NRHA Money Earner

SHR Frozen Pixie Dust is a lovely homebred mare that showed a lot of talent and promise as a two year old. Unfortunately she sustained an injury to her back attempting to jump a fence and thus unfortunately will not have a show career. This beautiful mare is Homozygous for the Dun gene. We are excited for her future in our broodmare band and cannot wait to see what she produces!! Her first colt looked amazing!

SHR Frozen Pixie Dust
SHR Frozen Pixie Dust
SHR Frozen Pixie Dust
SHR Frozen Pixie Dust
SHR Frozen Pixie Dust
SHR Frozen Pixie Dust
SHR Frozen Pixie Dust
SHR Frozen Pixie Dust
SHR Frozen Pixie Dust
SHR Frozen Pixie Dust
SHR Frozen Pixie Dust
SHR Frozen Pixie Dust


SG Frozen Enterprize

Frozen Sailor

RS Rose SJ

Sir Jack Frost

Sail On Sweetness

SJ Enterprise

Pretty Miss Rosalina

SHR Frozen Pixie Dust

Dun Smokin The Blues

Miss Dun Bar Hickory

Paintd By Gunsmoke

Midwest Smoke

Kandy Patches

Dun Bar Doc

Miss Holly Hickory

Genetic Test Results

HERDA: NN Negative
HYPP: NN Negative
OLWS: NN Negative
PSSM: NN Negative
GBED: NN Negative
MH: NN Negative
EJSCA: NN Negative
NN Negative

Color Test Results

TOBIANO: nT Heterozygous
RED/BLACK: ee Non Black
AGOUTI: AA Homozygous 
NN Negative
DUN: DD Homozygous

Foals out of SHR Frozen Pixie Dust

SHR Iced Diamonds

2024 Dunskin Tobiano Colt
Sired by SHR QTs DiamondCutter

SHR Iced Diamonds
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